#idlerpg on Randomus is another implementation of the RPG in which the players stay idle in an IRC channel and gain levels for being connected. It is developed by bss and currently in a beta state; quests, equipment, PvP, and more are coming soon.

The channel is #idlerpg, but for serious play, you probably want to configure something like Weechat instead.

As you level up, status updates regarding your character are sent to #idlerpg for others to see. When features like PvP and quests are implemented, they will be communicated in the channel, for now the status updates are primarily around characters logging in and leveling up.

Message bss for questions, help, and the like.



/msg idlebot REGISTER [character name] [password] [character class]

Signing up for the game is as simple as joining #idlerpg and sending the above command to the bot running the game. The character name and character class are how your character will be mentioned in all status updates. The password is used to log in:

Logging in

/msg idlebot LOGIN [character name] [password]

After registering a character, after a disconnect and reconnect to the IRC server, you must log in to restart the timer on your character. Once logged in, idleness will start accumulating, and your character will be able to level up.

You might want to put this in an auto command configuration, if you think you will be disconnecting or forgetful often.

Logging out

/msg idlebot LOGOUT

If you want to stop accumulating idleness for some reason, you can log out explicitly with this command, and temporarily pause your progress in the game.

Penalty: 20.


/msg idlebot REMOVEME

Your active character will be disabled. It cannot be logged in to again, so only do this if you wish to register a new character or exit the game entirely.

Checking status

/msg idlebot STATUS

This command will show some information about your current character, especially if your character is logged in or not, and when they will next level up.


Taking certain non-idle actions on the network/in the game channel come with a penalty. Penalties are described as an integer, but behind the scenes, the actual time penalty is relative to your level: TIME = P * 1.14^LEVEL where P is the penalty applied, and LEVEL is the character's current level.

The following actions apply the related penalty:

Action Penalty
Getting kicked from the game channel 250 + log out
Changing your nick 30 + log out
Leaving the game channel 200 + log out
Quitting IRC 20 + log out
Talking in the game channel len(message)
LOGOUT command 20 (+ log out)