Randomus IRC Network

The Randomus network is a tiny network run by bss for some friends and integrations, but anyone is welcome to join, hang out, and start their own little community if they'd like.


The network is available via irc.randomus.net (IPv4 or IPv6), port 6697 for TLS connections (or 6667 for unencrypted connections if you insist). Standard services (NickServ, ChanServ) are available for registrations, and identification is available at connect time via SASL.

I recommend running WeeChat inside of tmux, which accomplishes two major features:



Public Channels

A noncomprehensive list of channels to join if you're bored.


Server rules are normal — no abuse, no spam, no illegal stuff. Full rules via e.g. /quote rules, and channels may have their own rules.